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Technology Discovery

To capture and document the source data, technology tools, and infrastructure of a business, we typically follow these steps:

  1. Identify the sources of data: The first step is to identify all of the sources of data that the business uses. This could include data from internal systems, such as CRM or accounting systems, as well as external sources, such as social media platforms or market research firms.
  2. Document the data sources: Once we have identified the sources of data, the next step is to document them in detail. This should include information on where the data is stored, how it is collected, and how it is used within the organization.
  3. Identify the technology tools: The next step is to identify all of the technology tools that the business uses. This could include software applications, hardware devices, and other types of technology.
  4. Document the technology tools: Once we have identified the technology tools, the next step is to document them in detail. This should include information on how the tools are used, the specific features they offer, and any dependencies they have on other tools or systems.
  5. Identify the infrastructure: The final step is to identify the infrastructure that supports the business. This could include physical infrastructure, such as servers and networking equipment, as well as virtual infrastructure, such as cloud-based systems.
  6. Document the infrastructure: Once we have identified the infrastructure, the final step is to document it in detail. This should include information on the specific components of the infrastructure, how they are configured and maintained, and any dependencies they have on other systems or tools.

By following these steps, we capture and document the source data, technology tools, and infrastructure of a business in a comprehensive and organized manner. This information can then be used to inform strategic decisions and planning efforts related to digital transformation and other business initiatives.